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Terrace garden

In gardening, a terrace is an element where a raised flat paved or gravelled section overlooks a prospect. A raised terrace keeps a house dry and provides a transition between the hardscape and the softscape.

Instead, create your own compost with these vegetable skins and waste veggies in another pot in the terrace, and add them to this mix. After about a week, this mix is ready for plantation. Get the seeds of whatever you want to grow (tomatoes, chillies, coriander, basil and herbs are good choices

Balcony gardening

Balcony gardening offers the promise of fresh produce and a fragrant oasis in the sky. ... The balcony garden can be as big or as small as the mind of the gardener, or the size the space permits. It can range from a few railing baskets to multiple pots and vertical gardens covering every inch of wall space.Small trees and shrubs planted in flower pots look lush and offer protection against the wind. Even with some gaps in the foliage you will certainly reduce the effects of the wind for those relaxing on the balcony. Vines on trellises are not only decorative, but they can also form a windbreak.

Open garden

The fastest-growing vegetables need full sun (at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight a day) without blockage from trees, shrubs, or fences. ... That way you can place sun-loving vegetables and herbs (tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, peppers, peas, beans, corn, and squash; basil, dill, and rosemary) where they'll do well.Opt for finer textures and airy plant structures to increase depth in the middle ground and background, while fuller, more compact textures are best in the foreground. Positioning larger, taller plants in the background and reserving smaller plants for the foreground of your garden will enhance its depth.

Aquaponics & hydroponics

Aquaponics is the combination of aquaculture (raising fish) and hydroponics (the soil-less growing of plants) that grows fish and plants together in one integrated system. HYDROPONICS is a method of growing plants without using soil (i.e., soil-less). ... There are several types or variations of hydroponics ,Both hydroponics and aquaponics have clear benefits over soil-based gardening: lessened, adverse environmental impacts, reduced consumption of resources, faster plant growth, and higher yields. Many believe that aquaponics is a better option over hydroponics when choosing a soilless growing system.

Polyhouse soil & soiless farming

Polyhouse is a type of greenhouse where specialized polythene sheet is used as a covering material under which the crops can be grown in partially or fully controlled climatic conditions. . Mostly drip irrigation system is installed inside a polyhouse for watering purpose .Soilless farming refers to growing wide range of crops, particularly horticultural crops, in different growing media or substrates other than soil (substrate culture) or in aerated nutrient solution (water culture).